Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Challenge and benefits interview

Everyone has chosen different country to know more about it. How can we know more about the country that we wish to go? Actually, we need interviewees with people who are from there. Interviewing with people that we do not know them is difficult sometime.  In this paper I am going to talk about how can the international students broke the wall and speak with any different people and learn the benefits for that.

First of all, as we know it is hard to find international students to interview with them. However, Language is the most important things to know. Most of the international students have difficult to understand and talk with other people. For example, when you ask a question the interviewee may not understand what you saying. Therefore, we have to think many thinks before we start interview with students.  While we talk with interviewees we have to make them happy and try to know what he or she does not like. However, do not try to repeat the question and try to control the conviction the way the interview person like.    

Second, the benefits of interview with people. When we interview with people from different countries, we would have many interesting information from the students. First, when we meet new students and know more about them and ask them about their habits, we might like each other and getting more cloth as “best friend”.

In conclusion, interview new students could teach you many new things from different people. Also, it has many challenges and benefits. I say Challenges because it is difficult to find international students, difficult to explain some points to my interview and understanding each other. I would like to recommend people to do interview to get a knowledge about other people cultures, history and many things else.

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